Recipes Mix The Potato Waffle

The potato waffle couldn’t be more amazing – it has great flavor and texture, it’s a fun shape, easy to make, and a worthy bread replacement. I’ve really been enjoying the potato waffle made into a sandwich! Because I’m gluten-free and choose to avoid the gluten-free breads that usually contain oil and salt, I haven’t made a sandwich in my home in years. If you can relate to this, I sense this will be very exciting for you too!

I wish I had this idea years ago, but honestly I can’t take any credit for the potato waffle. I have to thank Chef AJ for sharing Sandy’s original Potato Waffle post on Vegans Eat Yummy Food Too, and Sandy for the unique creation! I personally can’t get enough of them so here I am spreading the message. Another version is the Oil-Free Hashbrown Waffle from Susan Voisin of Fat-Free Vegan Kitchen.If you don’t have a waffle iron , I suggest you get one today. They are a great price – right around $25. If you’d like you can order the Cuisinart model I use, here on my plant-based store.

If you enjoy this recipe as much as I have, please share with everyone in the comments section below. Let us know what you’re topping the waffle with or what dish you’re creating with it. I’d love to try any new ideas you have.


  • 1 yukon gold potato


Cook the potato whole either in a steamer or the microwave. In a steamer a yukon gold potato will take about 20-25 minutes. Smaller varieties, like fingerling potatoes should be done in 15-20 minutes. If using a microwave, a yukon gold potato will cook fully in 5 minutes.While the potato cooks plug in and turn on the waffle iron. I suggest putting it on high heat to crisp the outside of the potato.

When the potato is cooked it is ready to become a waffle. Place the potato on the back half of the waffle iron and close the lid.With a towel or hot pad press down on the lid to flatten the potato. Leave a space of ½ – 2 inches between the top and bottom of the iron.Let it toast for about 4-5 minutes. Then lift the lid and carefully transfer the waffle to a plate. I use a fork to help lift the waffle off the iron.

Let the potato cool for a couple minutes, and then serve. It’s very tasty on its own so you may want to enjoy it minimalist style. You can also dress it up for more flavor and variety. My favorite way to enjoy this recipe is by toasting 2 potatoes and making a Potato Waffle Sandwich. I usually sandwich together lettuce, tomato and onion with either fresh avocado slices or oil-free hummus (bean spread). Another great way to enjoy is cover a single potato with smashed avocado or hummus and and top with cherry tomato halves.

I also enjoy a sweet version of the potato waffle. Very soon I’ll be sharing my recipe for the Potato Waffle with Strawberries and Cream! Check back soon!

Makes: 1 waffle

Cook Time: 10 minutes

Chef’s Notes

The more tightly you close the lid when cooking, the flatter your waffle will be. The benefit of a flatter waffle is that you can make it have more crunch, which will also make it a little sturdier. The downfall of trying to make it very flat is that it’s easier for the potato to stick to the iron, which makes it more difficult to remove, and could end in a distorted or torn apart waffle. This is what happened in the picture below – not pleasant to clean.

You can also adjust the cooking time to as little as 3 minutes for a lightly toasted waffle or up to 8 minutes for a well toasted waffle.

Using other varieties of potatoes is definitely an option. I prefer the yukon golds when making waffles because they have great flavor, the skin is thin and they’re fairly moist. The russet potato is my least favorite to use because the skin is thicker and chewier. They also taste more like a flattened baked potato than anything else.

The skin of sweet potatoes tends to be a little thicker as well. With a sweet potato you may have to cut the potato in half for it to fit in the waffle iron – the shape will be different, but it still tastes great. Bottom line any potato variety will work well, but it’s mostly yukon gold waffles in my home. Experiment and see what you like best!

With great flavor and a super simple creation process, this item has been a fabulous addition to my weekly meals and will no doubt be a long-time favorite. If you like the idea of the Potato Waffle, please share this with your friends and family. Then if you don’t have a waffle iron yet, get one now so you can start making your own potato waffles!

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About Sarah Hopkins

All reviews are written by Sarah who is the author of the product reviews here and has a passion for reviewing products that we use every day. She prides herself on providing visitors and readers with completely unbiased and honest reviews on a wide range of products and services.
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